如何了解 Linux 命令的作用
Linux 发行版包含三套功能强大的文档,可帮助用户和管理员充分利用系统。了解如何有效使用这些资源是 Linux 用户的必备技能。
- 手册页
- 信息页面
- /usr/share/docs
对于几乎每个在命令行工作的 Linux 用户来说,手册页都是首选资源。
- 命令摘要
- 选项和说明
- 示例
- 作者和维护者
当您无法回忆起不常用的选项或每天在多个操作系统平台上工作时(Linux 和 Unix 版本的命令之间的选项通常不同),这非常有用。
,请键入man ls
手册页包含一组强大的搜索功能,可帮助您准确找到所需内容。显示手册页后,键入正斜杠 ( / ) 以启用关键字搜索。只需在斜杠后输入您要查找的单词,然后选择Enter即可。使用n和N键查找关键字的下一个或上一个示例。使用Ctrl+C结束搜索。
- 用户命令(第 1 部分)
- 系统调用(第 2 节)
- C 库函数(第 3 节)
- 设备和特殊文件(第 4 节)
- 文件格式和约定(第 5 节)
- 游戏(第 6 部分)
- 杂项(第 7 节)
- 系统管理工具和守护进程(第 8 节)
通常,对手册页的请求会转到第 1 或 8 部分,但您可以通过键入以下内容指定部分(假设请求的命令存在于多个部分中):
$ man 1 ls
熟练掌握访问手册页和定义关键字搜索是一项必不可少的 Linux 用户技能。事实上,红帽认证系统管理员 ( RHCSA ) 考试目标中提到了系统文档(尤其是手册页)。
The syntax for info pages is the same as with man
$ info ls
More formal documentation, along with templates, tutorials, licenses, and some configuration files, is found at /usr/share/doc
. The files provide significantly more detail than man pages. These package-specific files are usually compressed, but tools such as vim
and less
handle the content seamlessly.
You can see what documentation is available by typing:
$ ls /usr/share/docs | less
Each package has its own subdirectory. Run the following command to see the documentation for the Nano text editor:
$ ls /usr/share/doc/nano
The challenge
To help you practice using these resources, I've included three simple challenges involving the Nano text editor (so make sure Nano is installed before accomplishing these). The answer key is at the end of the article if you need it.
- How do you remove the two help lines at the bottom of Nano?
- Find the Nano bug tracker URL.
- What is the "wonderfully easy-to-use and friendly text editor" that Nano is based on?
Wrap up
Not all systems are internet-connected, and not all reminders need to come from advanced Google searches. Sometimes all a sysadmin needs is a quick hint, "Oh yeah, that's the option for long format." Man pages are great for those short prompts. Info pages add more detail, better linking between resources, and more readability. The official documentation stored at /usr/share/doc
provides the most depth, examples, templates, license information, and other relevant resources.
Answer key:
- https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=nano
- pico (Pine composer)